Tuesday, October 05, 2004

discriminibus lingua latina

Non solum dux iuvenorum sed etiam interpres linguae latinae discriminibus sum. Heri studenta mea litteras mobilis recepi. Me reddere latina petit nonnullas uerbas quas in terras australis lexerat:

qui procul hinc quiante diem periit sed miles sed pro patria.

Etiam hodie litteras in carta recepi studenta sed non studenta mea. Apud me sed non mihi.

Hoc mundus curiosum et curiosium verum est


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm studying war in literature and was wondering if you could help me with something.

I've noticed a line in this post came from the poem: "Clifton Chapel" by Henry Newbolt and I cannot find the English translation online for the life of me. Could you please tell me what it means? It's this section:

'Qui procul hinc, Qui ante diem periit: Sed miles, sed pro patria.'

If you can get back to me ASAP I would really appreciate it.



Email: dragon-girl@hotmail.co.uk

Sarah Brush said...


Who, far from here {who} died before his day but as a soldier (and) also for his homeland.

The () brackets indicate words that the English doesn't really need but is there in the Latin the {} is the opposite - words the Latin lacks but make the English make sense.

It's a very elevated form of Latin. It's possibly a reference to a slightly similar usuage of the sed... sed form of Cicero in his work De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (On the extremes of Good and evil) 2, 14, 45:
non sibi se soli natum, sed patriae, sed suis,
(Not for himself born for himself alone but for his homeland but also for his people)

Hope that helps.