Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Arnulf of Metz

Translation is the copyrighted property of Sarah Brush (nee Hamilton)
Vita Arnulfi Episcopi Mettensis, ed., B. Krusch, MGH SRM II pp. 426-446.


In the name of the omnipotent God and Jesus Christ our Lord, his son, I have come to write the life or acts of the most holy bishop Arnulf, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, who rested in him, and through the direction from the Lord of good things: Open your mouth and I will fill it. Therefore his deeds must not be kept secret and as an example of good works they shall be made public. Without doubt they made him a citizen with God’s attendants, the saints.

1. Therefore, the blessed Bishop Arnulf was of the Frankish race. He was of reasonable rank, being born to noble parents, and was extremely rich in worldly goods. However he became more noble and more lofty because he continually persisted in the faith of Christ. Thus, from the narration of those that knew him, I have come to know about many laudable works which he performed many of which will be written down here by me. I rate the content of these works so highly that we shall begin describing him from the very beginning that is from the day of his birth.

2. Therefore, there was living in that place, a certain stranger who had come from neighbouring Italy. He was a servant of God by the name of Stephen. After a brief silence following the exalted beginning of his birth, at length, a message from heaven was given to this man. The prophetic voice commenced in him and he said, “Seek to know, everyone and listen! A certain boy is born here. This boy, who is lofty and great and should be carried with honour, will be great in the house of God and of men.” Which matter the truth of events then proved.

3. After this, being of laudable character and full of the grace of God, the time came when he was handed over to the instruction in the study of letters. Soon, having been handed over to a teacher, being naturally acute of mind with an extensive memory, he shone amiably among his other companions. With Christ dwelling in him, he was subject to all, yet he was loftier than all in faith and charity. When he came to the age of maturity, having been well taught, he was handed over to Gundulf, the underking, mayor of the palace or royal advisor, to be trained in good works. From there, when he had received this training, he then made himself ready and through many proofs he proved himself worthy to the minister of King Theudebert.

4. Who is able to describe his virtue of making war or his power in arms? More particularly who can describe how he had often driven away the troops of an enemy people with his own sword? On account of this, through Christ, he who a little while ago was seen to be almost the last of all was made first of all, so that six provinces – which many household members then served and even now serve – might be ruled with judgement under his ministration alone. For he was earnest in prayer and in fasting and he inclined himself to mercy for the poor. So just as it is written, he returned to God what was God’s and gave to Caesar what belonged to Caesar.

5. Meanwhile, with much ado, in the company of his assembled friends and parents he married a girl from a most noble and illustrious family, according to admirable custom and because God thus wished it. For the same Lord granted to him especially a gift like the splendour of two gems which were worthy in the world so that he received the joy of two sons from that distinguished woman. While these things were done, just as we said above, he blossomed first with many divers honours in the palace and in service. However he was perpetually vigilant in meditation around the monasteries or holy places.

6. During this time there was in royal service, a distinguished man called Romaricus, who was joined to the household by love and affection of the holy man. After deliberation and following the instructions of the Lord, who said, Go, sell all that you have and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me. Leaving all behind on account of Christ, this man arranged to go on a pilgrimage to Lérins to the monastery, there. However by pursuing this cause with all these desires, he hindered the wishes of the Most High. For, God Almighty did not judge that these two men who shone together in the world like two lamps should be hidden in this way, as the Lord says: No-one burns a lamp and places it under a bushel but in the open so that it may shine for all who are in the house.
[Addition in one MS:
I come to narrate one miracle at least of the many which he performed but I consider this should be weighed first because he is said to have performed this one before he had come to the seat of the episcopate. Equally when he repented on account of his sins, it happened that when he crossed the bridge of the river Moselle and he discerned an immense impenetrable vision of the abyss he took out a ring which he had with him by chance and with these words he threw it into the river, “As I throw this ring,” he said, “I will think of the forgiveness of sins which I will receive from it.” After some years, when he had then ascended to the rank of a priest, a fish was carried to him by a certain fisherman. When the holy man had received this fish by the action of grace, he ordered it to be prepared for his evening meal because he abstained from meat by custom. When the minister received it and gutted it according to the custom, he found that same ring inside the entrails of that fish. He was ignorant of what had happened and marvelling at the matter he carried it to the holy pontiff. Recognising what had happened the faithful man gave thanks to God for the forgiveness of sins. He led a life afterwards without relapse into sin. Also after these things he afflicted himself with fasts, vigils and prayers. Indeed that ring is held in the palace even now. God should be praised for his magnificence and all should be amazed that, in the presence of God, the holy man merited to be established in faith with the effect that, having been subjected by errors, he was freed by the remission of his sins. Without a doubt this could not have been done unless it were done most properly by God.]

7. Since the Eternal Director was both perpetually watchful as well as most powerful in these various good things, it happened, by chance that the town of Metz needed a patron. Then, in one voice, the people exclaimed that Arnulf, member of the royal household and royal counsellor, should be bishop. He was compelled to it because it was pleasing to God yet he wept when he received the town and governance. Thereafter he bore the episcopal garb and he wished that he might hold the dignity of office and the pre-eminence of the palace mindfully. Soon such great, perfect munificence in alms to the poor grew so that, as the news spread, uncountable troops of paupers rushed to the holy Bishop Arnulf to be helped, even from far off regions and cities.

8. For, indeed, he was continually mindful and attentive in all good deeds, especially in the support of monks or pilgrims. He kept watch most devotedly, so that, whomever he received into his hospitality, he himself washed their feet with his own hands and took care of their clothes and refreshment, and soon, he received others in need of refreshment. Furthermore, who can describe the pattern of his abstinences, or most particularly how sometimes he would only eat barley bread or drink a beaker of water after a fast of three days or longer? Indeed he was continually dressed in a lowly manner with a hidden hair tunic and he bore a double cross for his limbs because of his vigils and fasts.

9. Now I shall set out to describe at least some of the many miracles which he did. Indeed, the holy man was in the neighbouring parts of Vosges, at the estate of the holy Stephen. A certain woman named Betilla was miserably seized by a demon and was often so strongly shaken that it endangered her life. When she had begun to rave in the presence of the holy patron, as always, he was moved to great pity and said, “Alas, a most miserable kind of human! How greatly does the enemy prevail, that he may possess this abode where Christ ought to live?” With night coming on, he ordered the woman to devote herself to a vigil. When the holy man had given himself to prayer, soon he separated the demon, shouting and wailing, from the woman. Everyone rejoiced. In that very place he commanded the woman, who for a long while had been oppressed and infirm because of the enemy, to go away uninjured and happy.

10. Indeed, about this same time, the whole church was accustomed to celebrate a three day fast. According to the custom, the holy man set out from the city and the civitas with a cross and with a mixed group of people, praying for grace and suddenly a woman from the middle of the crowd, who was seized by a demon, began to shout. When he saw her, he made the sign of the cross. At once she was snatched away from the enemy and cured. Also, at a later time, he came to the town basilica of the Holy Cross for the sake of giving prayers and giving of treasure. There he met with a girl who was raving miserably in a Bacchic frenzy. When he saw her he was moved by mercy and said to his archdeacon, “Tonight, brother, we shall celebrate prayers and vigils for the sake of this miserable creature and, when daybreak overtakes night, likewise what possesses her will be overtaken through us.” The next day, when they had done what was agreed, they found the girl freed from the old enemy. It was done in this way so that the sanctity of this man cured even those who had been lost for a long time.

11. Then at the time of King Dagobert, when Arnulf was serving in the palace, a certain leper began to shout asking for food or clothing. At once Arnulf ordered the man to be led to the hospital. Therefore, following his usual custom, he valued piety and, since the man was a foreigner, he wished to inquire if he had been cleansed by the sacrament of baptism. Unexpectedly, he answered, “Not at all, my Lord, for, unhappy man as I am, I was cast out from the company of people and who would bestow the grace of baptism on me?” Then the bishop said, “Do not be afraid, brother, it is possible. You only have to believe in Christ and it will be the wish of the Lord, that you shall receive a double medal both for your soul and for your body.” Therefore, having received baptism from the holy man, suddenly the leprosy was separated from his body and afterwards he who had previously been a sinner and a leper was made of healthy substance in both mind and body.

12. Yet after this, when he visited the estates of Tours with the aforementioned king, by chance, there was a certain noble boy by the name of Noddilus and his parent, who loved him so much that he buried him with great weeping. Indeed he was joined to him with indissoluble affection being close by both blood and by friendship. Then the king hastened from that town as quickly as possible and was not there to denounce the people who were counselling that the boy’s drooping head should be cut off and his body be delivered into a fire for burning, according to the pagan custom. However, as we believe, events were then ruled by the will of the almighty God, as the holy Bishop Arnulf had not yet gone out to the countryside. Having learned of this counsel, he went swiftly to Noddilus and he explained the cause of his unhappiness more by sobbing than by words. Immediately, therefore, the eminent man went to the bed of the dead man with haste. When he had prostrated on the ground, he prayed for a very long time. Then, at length, he spoke to the half living man, as was his custom, saying, “Get up my son!” he said, “If perhaps you have done anything evil, so that you may receive double medicine.” He rejoiced exceedingly that the man had come to God. Scarcely had he uttered the words which he considered with his heart, but the man was shaken with final the struggle. What more need I say? Warm water was brought forth and, with his own hands, the holy man washed the face, hands and feet of the sick man with great diligence and anointed the body with holy oil. It was done in this way, so that on that day suffering from no infirmity, he took to the road happy and rejoicing and went into the town with other uninjured people.

13. Indeed, there is a miracle which he performed at another time which should not be kept secret. One day, a certain wicked man, by the name of Noddo, was drunk with wine and a stuffed belly. Along with his companions he dared to dishonour the holy man, saying that it was clear that he was not a worshipper of God but more properly a man devoted to pleasure, with whom, it is well known, not only the king but also the queen hastens to one bed at the hour of night. Indeed, then Noddo drew away a companion and went to bed with him under the same cover. By the order of the Lord, it happened that all his clothes were surrounded with flames. In that very place, with urgent voices, they prayed for water to throw against the flames which were springing up. Yet the water did not extinguish the flames which were sent down by divine power. They burned, miserably, around their buttocks and genitals and their linen shirts burned also and they were not able to strip their burning clothes from their bodies. What more need I say? Since they were not able to do it any other way, they went outside and rolled like pigs in the dirt proclaiming their concupiscence. Yet their genitals burned more and more with the fire sent down from heaven. Then, indeed, as I think, because of that which is written down, Are you drawing away to your secret place? There I shall follow, was fulfilled against them. Thus divine censure ordered it and it was done so that those who had dishonoured the holy bishop sensed punishment in this way. For never again after that time was the aforesaid Noddo found in such transgressions as it was ordered that the royal sword should justly cut off his wickedness together with his life and so that he should not die alone, soon, his son was condemned by the same sentence and was killed.

14. Around that time, when he had expended nearly all the treasure on the poor there was a silver dish weighing seventy-two pounds left. Chuc, a certain nobleman of high rank, procured this dish, after some of the alms – those which were necessary – had been given to the poor. Yet the almighty God did not endure that he, a layman who had previously been consecrated in honour of the blessed Stephen the protomartyr, should benefit. Indeed the aforesaid Chuc was prostrated on his knees by death and the dish was carried to the aforesaid King Chlothar. Then the king learned from those who told it to him that this dish had been given for alms to the poor by the holy Bishop Arnulf. Soon, by wonderful inspiration and heavenly action, he quickly ordered the same dish with a hundred gold coins placed on top of it to be carried to Metz to the holy pontiff. It was done in this way so that both those on the list of the poor and others were turned away from poverty through the sustenance of the alms of God. The possession of the saints which had been given by them once was returned without any other expense.

15. Then these and more miracles like them began to grow through him to the benefit of the people. Soon he sought places away from the clamours of the common people. There, often concealed like a prisoner, he was free to attend most eagerly to holy prayers alone with God heeding to the advice of the Most High who said Seek and see since I am the Lord. For, having withdrawn into a little cell, he frequently beat the sky, night and day, with his prayers at the villa of Dodigny which was neighbouring with Vosges and particularly at Chaussy which was not very far from the town.

16. While in these prayers, Christ’s most holy fighter fought vigorously against the devil. His conscience was pricked that, while he was away, the people given to him by God might receive less nourishment of eternal life. Quickly Arnulf began to entreat the king most earnestly that he might give his son as bishop. Sending letters through messengers, Arnulf declared himself a sinner and unworthy of his work. He said that they should elect a bishop who might properly preach the word of God to the people like sowing seeds. With the people abandoned in this way, King Chlothar was soon filled with an extraordinary vexation. He sought from all his remaining counsellors if the holy Bishop Arnulf had ceased to visit the palace. Among many other things he sent letters to him saying, “Lord and father, although you have written through your letter that we ought to elect another as successor in your place. No-one may presume to do so with my assurance.” To this again, in return, Arnulf said, “We receive your warnings on account of your devotion with great joy. Through divine guidance we believe that you have been warned by the Lord yet despite this we have written again sadly that we have not chosen to be absent from your sight. More precisely, lord and father, may it please you, we have been compelled by devotion and resolved to seek after the doing of good works. We do not seek by any means that you should leave us without your peace or communion on account of divine love.” Indeed the aforesaid King Chlothar cared for Arnulf with such faith and love that, when he had elevated his son Dagobert to the highest position, the same king had handed his son into Arnulf’s hand for governing and instruction. Arnulf educated him with most high and profound wisdom, so that the king was said by the nation of the Secambrori to be not at all like him.

17. However when he arranged to hasten to the desert with indissoluble love, being prudent, King Dagobert suspected it. The king wished to terrify him a little so that he should not depart from his comfort or counsel and said to him, “Your most dear sons thus have a loss for unless you stay with us, I will chop off their heads.” To this, he responded, saying, “The lives of my sons are in the hand of God. You do not now possess your own life, since you set out to carry away the life from innocents.” Then, the king was angered and turned against him. He seized the sword which was hanging at the side of one of his officers and held it with his hand. Then the blessed Arnulf was uncertain whether he was about to die as a result of the anger of the petty king. He said firmly, “What are you doing, oh worthless man? Do you wish to repay my goodness with wickedness? Now, look at me! I am ready! Exercise your arm in my blood so that it may be pleasing to your soul. I do not doubt that I will die at the command of Him who gave me life and who died for me.” Then one nobleman said, “Oh good king do not act impiously to yourself and to Him! Do you not see that the holy man wishes for martyrdom and is destined to it? Why are you not afraid to attack a servant of our Lord Christ?” When he had said this, being ordered by God, the man took hold of his enraged anger for a short time.

18. During all this the queen was also there. Recalling her guilts, the queen ran to the feet of the holy man and begged him with tears that he might be compassionate, saying, “Go to the desert, lord, as you wish. In that way we shall keep peace with you, whom we have attacked and treated with wickedness.” Then, having been given this chance, the holy man went out from the palace and behold! He found an almost innumerable multitude of the lame, of the blind and of many poor people, of widows and orphans, standing by the gateways. When they had seen him, they all began to cry aloud, saying, “Oh holy shepherd, why do you leave us behind, miserable as we are? Who will have pity on us or who will bestow us with food and clothing? For if you are stolen away we will all die because we will be naked and consumed by hunger. We implore you for the sake of Christ, do not abandon us.” Then he wept and addressed them with soothing voice, saying, “The Lord will give you a shepherd who will attend to your feeding in pity and mercy. For, henceforth, you will not see my face for a long time but just as Christ says, you should do, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.’ Be prepared in fruitfulness to one another. May you have mercy so that, although you are now restrained with poverty and misery, in the future life you shall happily deserve to reign with Christ, just as Lazarus the beggar was transported by the angels to the bosom of Abraham. Thus, you should seek the Lord and your soul may live both here and in eternity.” When he had said this, at once, according to his prayers he went to his prayers.

19. A little while after these deeds, as he was perpetually intent on meditation the holy Goericus Abbo was elected as successor to the just man. Indeed this was fitly ordered by God so that a holy man should succeed another holy man. When he heard this, Romaricus, who was a distinguished man from the parts of Vosges, set out to see the blessed Arnulf. He prepared a proper place for them to meet each other in the vast desert.

20. As soon as night approached on that day he came to a town where a miracle had been worked through that same nourish-making bishop, of which I ought not to be silent. It happened by chance that a devouring fire attacked the storeroom of the king and the great high flames leapt up all around the house and menacingly rose up to the top of it. Suddenly all the citizens rose up and saw its destruction. They were turned to lamentation and clamour. Hearing this we quickly came to the house of the holy man to find him. He was sweetly singing psalms, as was always his custom. At once, Romaricus seized his hand and said, “Go out, Lord, behold! Our horses are out through the gates, so that the fire does not burn you in this town which would not be fitting.” To this, Arnulf said, “By no means will I go most dear man. Lead me there and we shall see this impious fire, which has grown fat, and place me next to it. If God wishes that I should burn, behold, I am in his hand.” Then, holding his holy hand, we came to the fire and soon, being ordered by him, we prostrated in prayer. When the chapter had been said, we all rose up. Then, raising up his hand against the huge flames, he made the sign of the cross. Soon, in an amazing way as if struck from heaven, yet without injury to anyone, having been totally twisted back below the walls, the fire turned inwards. Thereafter we, who were secure from the danger which had now been put down, gave thanks to God, said matins and returned to our beds. In that very place, the following vision appeared to one of the brothers. Looking towards the sky, he saw such fiery flames depicting the sign of the cross and, at once, a voice spoke down from the sky from the side of the cross, saying, “Do you perceive this sign?” It said, “This night, Bishop Arnulf has freed this whole town from fire.” The brother narrated this vision to all of us as we were wondering at the miracle, which we had seen, of the fire being put out.

21. A few days after this, the blessed man left behind all worldly things and, having given a great deal of money to the poor, he was then safe and secure of his treasure stored up in heaven. Not many days later that man, who, to be like Christ, was then poor in the world, but rich in the virtue of the Lord, set out for the desert among the beasts and wild woods just like a new Elijah. At the customary little house he resounded praise to God daily with meditation. Indeed, having set up a little monastery, there he established some lepers to whom he expended most faithful service with his own hand. Continually he drew away the shoes from their feet and cleaned them. He often washed their heads and feet and also prepared well-arranged beds for them, most zealously, every day. For, not abhorring the service of cooking, the same holy bishop and cook attended to the feeding of his companions, often hungering himself. Although his bed-cover, was vile in the eyes of men, it was most beautiful in the sight of angels. Since he had been separated from smooth and precious clothes as far as this matter is concerned, he furnished his bed with haircloth. In these things, therefore and in other innumerable good things, he lived the angelic life.


22. Then Almighty God wished to call his warrior to his destined reward and he was driven to his final day. Knowing the time was approaching the most religious man Romaricus was present and he stood ready for the glorious departure with the other monks. Then, the most righteous bishop who was the elect of God spoke, saying, “Good men and friends of the Lord, pray to Christ for me. Now the day is here in which I appear to be presented to my Judge. What shall I do? Nothing good is done in this world; being surrounded with all wickedness and sins, I am bound by sin. On account of this I beg you, pray to the Lord that I might merit indulgence.” The holy man said this since it is written The first to present his case seems right till another comes forward to question him. Meanwhile the hour came when the holy soul was to be carried to Christ by the hands of the holy angels. Without doubt there was great praise in that place of high virtue in heaven and there was great sorrow for the poor of Christ and of the monks on earth. Soon following the custom of holy and sacred Gospel and, as one reads in the psalms, mourning and singing resounded their voices. Indeed the illustrious man, Romaricus led away his most holy body. He carried Arnulf to be buried with dignity and honour to a place where he had influence that is in the castle of Remiremont.

23. After several years had passed, Bishop Goericus, Arnulf’s most elect successor, sought counsel with a meeting of clerics and also with a huge band of people. With two other bishops agreeing, they sought the desert together. Keeping watch in that place with reverent celebrations, they carried the holy body out from the stone vessel. They placed the body onto a pallet and soon, eagerly taking up their journey, they returned to the town with joy. For a sweet smell came out from the holy limbs and filled all those who saw it. Thereafter on the journey, as I believe, miracles were performed through the body as I will describe.

24. When the bearers came to a certain stream, they were cut off from their going by the slippery earth banks which spread out on either side of their path. Then those at the back, who carried the pallet, began slipping and tumbled down. Yet as I believe, at once, angels lifted them up. For the first of those present went back without steps, and having lifted the pallet up in the air, they took steps freely. Having got up, those who had fallen crossed the river and rejoined their colleagues.

25. Soon afterwards on this journey another miracle appeared to follow. There was a certain lewd man in the district of Chaumontois by the name of Cionta. Although he had often managed to turn him back, Arnulf had not been able to lead this man to penance with amends so that, he left him unrepentant in this earthly life. By chance, it happened that, in the house of the same lewd speaker, there was an oratory into which travellers could come. As they set out for the house so that they might honour the holy body in the basilica with vigils they came to the boundaries of the most lewd man suddenly the transportation was held so that they were not able to convey the holy body any further. Behold, on account of this perplexity which faced the priests and all the people they were ignorant as to what house they might turn since the day had then declined to the sign of evening. Then Noddo, the duke who was one of the travellers said, “Do you see? The body declines to go to the land of this the lewd man. Indeed, my villa is far yet we may be able reach it before night closes up. It is clean and prepared and there I will be able to refresh the whole company in such a way, as I disclosed to the judge Immus, in proper measure with a barrel of beer.” Hearing this, all the people turned back that way and they proceeded with great speed because they were more able to carry themselves as they sensed that they should carry themselves whilst the day still had light. They came through to the destined place. Then Noddo said, “Now, therefore, the blessed Lord Arnulf might feed you this night as, being away from you, he is more able to be there to intercede for you.” At once he grew in such exuberance in the middle of his drink, so that to the help of all those with him, he remained that way even until the next day.

26. Yet after this, they came to the town with great prosperity and happiness. Behold! Soon the whole city ran to meet him with crosses and candles and with great rejoicing and admiration for their shepherd whom a little while ago they sent away to the judgement of one departed. Now they perceived that the heavens were reigning and taking the holy body into the basilica of the holy apostles with reverence and great exultation, they put him back in the tomb. Soon, he, who was buried in the house of Christ in a tomb which had been bought in the desert, would demonstrate miracles to his citizens.

27. Indeed, a certain woman by the name of Julia, who had been blinded from light for a long time, went to the tomb. There, having prostrated herself, she prayed with faith. She, who had been without the custom of light for many years time, received her desire. She who was accustomed to walk with the help of an outside hand was then able to see for herself and left that place and turned back to her lodging with happiness.

28. Again I shall not be silent but disclose another miracle, which the power of God showed to a religious man, Abbot Arnegausius. A certain woman by the name of Ciorcilla who was living in the suburb of Metz dared to work on the day of the Lord. Yet soon, by the striking down of divine power, both her hands were contracted. Then being weighed down with such a great anchor she went to the aforesaid abbot. He ordered her to hurry, with faith, to the tomb of the holy bishop. There, with the doors bolted, she found the tomb of the saint before the torches of the basilica. She prostrated herself before the torches and gave herself totally into prayer with tears, crying out and imploring the holy Bishop Arnulf to cure her. At once, her fingers, which had then been turned into her palms for a long time, sprang back from the rigour which had held them. She received her former health and soon, she turned back to her own home, uninjured and happy, whence she had come sad and crippled.

29. Around the same time, there was a weakly man by the name of Cero, whose feet were miserably contracted. He went everywhere with the help of staffs and was scarcely able to touch the floor with his feet and only then with great injury. With his sticks, he prostrated himself in prayer at the shrine of the holy man in order that he might be cured. At once, the contracted nerves were relaxed and he rose up fit and happy. He, who was only able to come to the holy sepulchre in order to be cured with the aid of staffs, returned to his home by the power of his own feet.

30. We value to set in writing these few examples of the many miracles and good works of the holy man. If we had studied to insert all of the other good things which he did, by placing pen to parchment, it would be an enormous volume^ and there would not be enough days to read it. Therefore I shall undertake to proffer a few of many, so that I should not set up loathing in those hearing. May the intercession of the holy Arnulf give help to us in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ to whom is honour, power and continual glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

^ Varying endings in different MSS
… Of many of the holy man’s miracles, these few, I have chosen to be written down lest we create loathing in the ears of those who hear read eagerly. With the help of Almighty God Jesus Christ our Saviour to whom is all power and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. HERE ENDS THE PASSING OF THE HOLY BISHOP ARNULF.
… it was a great volume for readers. Now indeed a few of the many will suffice to be told. HERE ENDS THE LIFE OF THE HOLY CONFESSOR ARNULF BISHOP OF METZ.
…it was a great volume for readers. We have chosen to narrate at least some from the many lest we create loathing in the ears of those hearing them with the help of God almighty and Jesus Christ our Redeemer to whom is unending power and glory for ever and ever, Amen. Behold most reverend Lord Pontiff Chlodulf I have written that life and deeds of your predecessor which you asked me to write. You have judged it just and perfect as you hold his see, his many rules and acts.



Anonymous said...

Great stuff.
Have you ambled over to the latinum podcast yet?

I'm sure you'll find something there to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Nice to learn the reason for the fish with a ring to be a symbol of St. Arnulf.

40th gr-grandson & fellow medievalist said...

Meticulous piece of scholarship (except you forgot the 2nd "t" in "translation" in your prefaced credits).